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The top stories from ABC News.

The prime minister will meet with the board of Murray Goulburn today to discuss their response to the plunging milk price. Dairy farmers have been saddled with debts after the cooperative retrospectively slashed the price it pays for milk. The federal government says Murray Goulburn should return money to farmers where possible.

At least eleven people have been killed and nineteen wounded as Saudi coalition warplanes bombed a hospital in northern Yemen. The airstrike on the MSF building follows the collapse of peace talks nine days ago. It is the fourth time in the past year that a medical facility in Yemen has been attacked.

Seven people have been injured as an overhead television camera crashed to the ground in Rro's Olympic park. The camera plunged twenty-metres to the ground after cables snapped during routine maintenance work.

The Olympic campaign of Anna Meares has come to an end after the cyclist came tenth in the women's sprint. The 32-year-old confirmed earlier that Rio would be her fourth and final Olympic games.





