澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 澳大利亚同性婚姻公投出现变数 土耳其婚礼爆炸案致50人死亡(在线收听

The body of a Balinese policeman who was allegedly murdered by an Australian woman and her British boyfriend has been cremated in Bali. Sara Connor and her boyfriend, British national David Taylor have been charged with the officer's murder. Their lawyers deny the charges.

The families of two aboriginal land rights activists have held a ceremony at Vincent Lingiari's grave site in the Northern Territory community of Kalkarindji. There, the families swapped aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flags. The ceremony comes after thousands of people marked the 50th anniversary of the Wave Hill walk-off, led by Vincent Lingiari in 1966.

Labor says the federal government's plans for a gay marriage plebiscite is in shambles. The government has denied reports that it has decided to push back the national vote until February next year. It says the Australian Electoral Commission has strongly recommended the plebiscite not be held this year — but cabinet will make the final decision on timing.

Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan has blamed the Islamic State group for a bomb attack in the south-eastern city of Gaziantep. The attack on a wedding killed at least 50 people.




