澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 意大利地震救援持续进行 科学家发现适宜人类居住行星比邻星b(在线收听

The top news.

Emergency crews in Italy are still searching for survivors of the powerful earthquake in the Umbria region. Many people are still believed buried under the rubble. More than 4,000 rescuers are using heavy lifting equipment and their bare hands to find them. The 6.2 magnitude quake has destroyed three villages in the area which is 100 kilometres north-east of Rome.

Investigations are continuing into the background of a French backpacker who was arrested over a stabbing attack in North Queensland. 21-year-old British tourist Mia Ayliff-chung was killed and a 30-year-old British man was critically injured. The suspect allegedly yelled "Alla akbar" during the attack.

Woolworths has revealed a massive reversal of fortune posting a loss of more than 1.2 billion dollars. Yesterday the company announced it would close its masters stores in December. 500 roles will be cut from its support office and supply chain. Management is not sure how the company will perform next year.

A new planet that may harbour life has been discovered just outside our solar system. Proxima b is slighty larger than earth and in a temperate zone compatible with the presence of liquid water. It's four light years away but scientists believe it could be reached by future space missions.



一名法国背包客因涉嫌在北昆士兰行刺而被捕,目前调查人员仍在继续调查他的背景。这起行刺案造成21岁的英国游客Mia Ayliff-chung死亡,另有一名30岁的英国男子重伤。嫌疑人在袭击时高喊“真主至大”。


