澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 意大利发生6.6级地震 澳公交司机遭放火烧死(在线收听

The top stories from ABC News.


Rescue operations are underway in Italy after the nation was rocked by another earthquake. The magnitude 6.6 quake hit central and southern Italy late this afternoon Australian time bringing down sections of buildings, including the historic Basilica of saint Benedict and the local town hall. The epicentre was located in the Appenine mountains, around 130km north-east of Rome. A series of quakes in the least week has left thousands of people in central italy homeless.


The prime minister is moving to ban asylum seekers who've tried to come by boat from ever reaching Australia, even as holidaymakers. Labor is weighing up the hardline proposal, while refugee supporters are outraged.


Former trade minister Andrew Robb has begun working for the Chinese company, which last year controversially gained control of Darwin's port. The Turnbull government won't say when it was told of Mr Robb's appointment as "senior economic consultant" to the Landbridge Group.


The brother of the bus driver set on fire and killed in Brisbane has arrived from India to collect his remains. He says the family would like to see a permanent memorial for his much-loved younger brother, Manmeet Alisher.


Those are the latest headlines from ABC News.

