澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 美多地爆发反特朗普游行 特朗普将同奥巴马在白宫会面(在线收听

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Protests have broken out across the United States against the election of Donald Trump as president. Thousands of people packed the streets of New York marching towards Trump tower shouting "not my president". Big crowds also turned out in Chicago, Philadelphia, San Francisco and Los Angeles. A number of people have been arrested.


The former reality tv star and his wife Melania will meet the Obama family at the White House tomorrow. President Barack Obama has promised a smooth transition to power when Mr Trump is inaugurated in January. It's unclear whether high profile republicans like Chris Christie will be asked to serve in cabinet.


New South Wales police have spent the day searching bushland south of Sydney for the body of Matthew Leveson. The 20 year old was last seen leaving a Darlinghurst nightclub nine years ago with his boyfriend. Today, Michael Atkins helped officers in their search of the Royal National Park.


Liquidators for Queensland Nickel will be able to continue questioning Clive Palmer over the company's $300 million collapse. Mr Palmer tried to stop the process, asking the high court to rule a law allowing witnesses to be compelled to answer questions in liquidation proceedings invalid. The court threw out the challenge.

