英国新闻听力 即将举行的摩洛哥选举(在线收听

即将举行的摩洛哥选举(The Moroccan Impending Election)



1,contend with 对付 2,sumptuous adj. 华丽的,奢侈的

3,amble v. 缓行 4,suicide bomber 人肉炸弹

5,gerrymander v. 不公正操作 6,raid n. 搜捕,袭击

7,ostensibly adv. 表面上,外表上 

ANNOUNCER: Moroccans are going to the polls on the 7th of September in an elections that is closely watched around the world. An Islamous party, the PJD is expected to do well in the North African kingdom. It will be something of rarity in the Arab world for an Islamous movement to come to power via the ballot box but as Richard Hamilton has been reflecting, whatever the outcome the winner will still have the Moroccan monarchy to contend with.


RICHARD HAMILTON: The Muslim Moulay Ismael Meknès is one of Moroccan’s most seductive monuments. Its yellow walls, keyhole arches and intricate tile flooring make it a favorable with tourists. Sultan Moulay Ismael not by all accounts a very nice man, in fact the founding father of the Moroccan Royal Alaoui Dynasty which has continued from the 18th century to the present day was a tyrant, whose excesses would have made Caligula blush. There is a story that when his architect had completed the sumptuous gate of Bab Mansour at Meknès, the sultan inquired if he could do better. Aware that this was the ultimate knowing situation, the Draughtsman replied ‘yes.’ At this point, he was led away and executed. It is estimated that 30,000 others also met their deaths at the hand of the Sultan often for no reason. Mounting his horse, Moulay Ismael will slash the head of a yeoman who had been adjusting his stirrup. The world of Ismael is filled with blood. When his slaves died, often of exhaustion, he found a use for them as building material mixing their blood with limestone. When he inspected construction sites the Sultan would carry awaited lance so he could bather the skull of the labourers and encourage others to work harder. He amused himself with 500 concubines and fathered hundreds of children. But when baby girls were born, he ordered them to be strangled. If boys did not behave, he sliced their limbs off. “My subjects are like rats in a basket” he said, “and if I do not keep shaking the basket, they will naw their way through.” Since the time of Moulay Ismael, the kings of Morocco have become progressively more enlightened, resulting in today’s monarchy, and Mohammed VI. By all accounts, Mohammed is a nice man and if he shakes the basket at all, it is slowly and gently. “Shwie shwie” as they say here. The king has slowly introduced reform, changed family law and improved human rights. People say Morocco is a beacon of democracy in the Arab world, more liberal certainly than neighbouring Algeria and Tunisia. When I first arrived in Morocco I took a stroll down the old Medina in Rabat and ambled past traders in a crowded souks selling vegetables, spices and halal meats. And a strange thing happened. A young man picked up a blue thin gas canister and pointed it at me to holds of laughter from his friend, he pretended it was a weapon and imitated the starter sound of a sub machine gun. I smiled nervously and quickly made my way back to my apartment. I had almost forgotten of this bizarre incident until I was reminded of it recently by something much more serious. At Meknès near the mausoleum of Moulay Ismael, a young government civil engineer picked up a gas canister in the main square, walked towards the coach load of tourists and detonated it. In a split second before it exploded, the bus driver managed to shut the door of the coach and none of the passengers was injured but the would be suicide bomber lost his arm in the blast. This is to shatter the lost behind his elections the specter of Islamic extremism that has adopted terrorism as a means of expression. The Interior Ministry has raised its alert to it's highest level warning of attacks on tourists sites. There is a legitimate Islamous party, the Moderate PJD. And if such a party wins, that will be unusual in the Arab world, but its chances have been blunted by the gerrymandering of electoral constituencies and the fact that the king still appoints key ministers. Critics say that’s what makes these elections touted as democratic far from that. Another thing I noticed when I first came to Rabat was that the police were making raids in the Medina on street traders selling illegal copies of DVDs. And the pressure from likes of Hollywood, the Moroccan government was keen to show that it was tough on piracy and seized millions of discs and put the salesmen in jail. But as a month went by, the traders started trickling back slowly (shwei shwei) and furtively set up make-shift stores in the narrow rally ways. The other day I even saw two policemen inspecting a DVD store, but they weren't going to close it down, they were wondering on which film to watch that evening, should they plump perhaps “Oceans 13”, or “Pirates of the Caribbean”. In a sense, the Moroccan elections are a bit like this and the pressure from the likes of Washington, the government is keen to show that it is embracing democracy. So it will hold a poll that it says will be free and fair and looks ostensibly democratic. But things aren't always as they appear in Morocco potential winner like the PJD, is likely to be faulted by the system because the real power lies not with the man in Parliament anyway but with another man, the Commander of the faithful, King Mohammed VI, even if his kingdom has come a long way since the days of Moulay Ismael and his subjects are no longer rats in a basket.


ANNOUNCER: Richard Hamilton.

