澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 美国法官下令暂停驱逐穆斯林 澳称难民安置协议将继续实施(在线收听

Hello, Gemma Veness with the latest headlines from ABC News.


A US appeals court has rejected the Trump administration's request to immediately reinstate a travel ban from seven Muslim-majority countries. The court has instead asked the Justice Department and the state of Washington to file more arguments by Monday afternoon local time. The department filed the appeal a day after a federal judge ordered president Donald Trump's immigration ban to be lifted.


The two-month summer break is over for federal MPs, who are heading back to parliament. The Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has denied the federal government will be forced to agree to US requests for military assistance in exchange for the resettlement of refugees. The government insists an agreement to resettle those housed in detention centres on Manus island and Nauru will go ahead.


Catholic Church archbishops from around the country are being called to give evidence at the Royal Commission hearings in Sydney. They'll be asked about what action they took to protect children and the extent of abuse that's taken place.


And New Zealand has regained the Chappell-Hadlee Trophy after beating Australia by 24 runs in the third One Day International in Hamilton. Black Caps bowler Trent Boult finished with 6 for 33. New Zealand won the series 2-nil.


And those are the latest headlines from ABC News.

