澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 澳大利亚政府宣布提高外国人入籍门槛 印尼检方要求轻判华裔省长(在线收听

The top stories on ABC News.


The prime minister has announced tougher citizenship rules, requiring applicants to prove their allegiance to Australia and its values. Migrants will also have to pass a more comprehensive English language test. Labor's given initial backing to the government's proposals.


Former detainee Dylan Voller has faced questioning at the Youth Detention Royal Commission for the first time. The questions focused on his history of violence and behavioural issues. The inquiry heard about a number of incidents from when Voller was a child, including assaulting students at his primary school and damaging a school bus.


There's been a reprieve for Jakarta's governor Ahok, with prosecutors asking that he be placed on probation rather than jailed for blasphemy. Ahok lost the election for the city's governorship yesterday. He was back in court this morning where he's being tried for blasphemy for comments he made about the Koran during the campaign.


Four south Australians have been awarded France's highest military honour for their roles during the Second World War and the liberation of France. The four air force veterans received the Legion of Honour during a ceremony at Adelaide Town Hall.

