英国新闻听力 英国导演安东尼·明格拉辞世(在线收听

英国导演安东尼·明格拉辞世(UK Director Anthony Minghella Passed Away)



1.legendary n. 传奇故事书,传奇文学 2.catapult v. 突然把……捧出名 3.stardom n. 演员的身份,演员们 4.retain vt. 保留,保持 5.screenplay n.电影剧本 6.mosaic adj. 马赛克式的,镶嵌细工的 7.bouquet n. (文艺作品的)特殊风格 8.empower v. 授权与,使能够 9.meticulous adj. 过度重视细节的,小心翼翼的 10.rigorous adj. 严酷的,严厉的 11.compromise n. 妥协,折衷 12.triumph n. 成功,胜利 13.achieve vt. 获得,实现,达成 14.peak vi. 到达最高点,达到极点,达到高潮 15.shock n. 打击,震动


refer to 提到;查阅

例句1:Don't refer to this matter again, please.


例句2:Your may refer to your notes if you want.


UK Director Anthony Minghella Passed Away

MARCOS: Hello, welcome back. I'm Marcos, and you are listening to the Tickets--the BBC's weekly Art Entertainment Program. What a sad week is being, not one but two leading figures from the world of art passing away this week. Legendary Science fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke, the Godfather of Science fiction, has died in Sri Lankan at the age of 90, bear more about his career in a moment. While, in the UK, the writer and Oscar-winning film director Anthony Minghella has died at the age of 54. Minghella was born on the Isle of Wight of the south coast of England, a place he lovingly referred to throughout his career. He was a highly-regarded playwright for radio and TV before turning his hand to directing, but what a success that turned out to be. His third film The English Patient catapulted him to international stardom, an adaptation of the novel of the same name by the Canadian author Michael Ondaatje set in Italy and North Africa during WWII. It's narrative-shifted, backwards and forwards in time between two ill-fated love stories. The film was released in 1996 and swept the boards of the Oscars winning 9 separated awards, including Best-Director for Minghella.

HOST: And Oscar goes to Anthony Minghella for The English Patient!

ANTHONY MINGHELLA: It's a great day for the all of the Wight today. Thank you very much!

MARCOS: The film star Ralph Fiennes, Kristin Scott Thomas, Willem Dafoe and Juliette Binoche are actors who are relatively unknown at the time. The original studios actually want the bigger names, but Minghella stuck to his guns, and move the production to an independent studio, where he could retain creative control. Here is answering questions about The English Patient from the live audience at London's Barbican Art Center, shortly after he won the Oscar. He was asked first about the process of writing the screenplay for the film.

ANTHONY MINGHELLA: It happened that I fell in love with the book Michael Ondaatje had written. My thought that was a film there. I also think one of the reasons why I was trying to write Michael's book wasn't simply because of how much I admired him as a novelist, but also because of the nature of that novel. It's not really narrative line, it's a mosaic, but people, people know the bouquet was. You know, it's, it's an … it's much more like reading a fantastic magazine, you know, it has great articles and wonderful images, but it required of me to make a very active writing contribution, and so in a peculiar word, I think The English Patient is a more personal piece of work almost anything that I've done before.

AUDIENCE: I'd like to ask you what attracts you to work this whole matters? And how do you feel you get start of them?

ANTHONY MINGHELLA: I think the job of directing-actors as far as I understand first was to have known techniques, because the minute you have a technique, you're, you're, you're drawing a line around the actor's process. To me the job is to be a different director for every actor and also it's all about the process of empowering. That's true of actors. That are true of designers. That are true of cameramen. It's the job I think I have is to empower everybody to do, that they, all of them do their job that I can do. And that's the first thing, that's quite evident. And so given less the case, I can't teach them how to be better their jobs. All I can do is to say I would try into set up an environment for you, in which you can do your best work. And if that means you need me to listen to every breath and take, every reading and, and trying and invader for you, then I will do that. And if you mean that you need me to stay away and know that I will catch if you fall over, and I'm trying doing that. It's not all sweetness and lighting that process. It's a great deal of wrestling, I mean a way from I wrestled, a way through 123 days, because that is the process he enjoys. He is an extremely meticulous, extremely rigorous man, who would be filming in a dozen of nullified letter. And so part of my job is to say "That's enough of that."

AUDIENCE: Did you have doubt about the film will be a success?

ANTHONY MINGHELLA: Up until March 24th, I was still... It, it took me an enormous amount of reinsurance and support, to know that it's gonna be OK. When you are sitting in a room as I did, a week after we could say, I think that should really be good and, and Kristin Scott asked me if it could be fantastic, looking as you know they all can see is a sign flashing over your head which says, "His film don't make money, his film don't make money." This matter what comes out of your mind to see his film don't make money. That's, it's very easy to lose face, then I think that, I, nothing would have surprised me, I, you know, interestingly for me, that the film has no compromise at all. It's casting exactly the way I want it to, I shorten the way I want to. Nobody came to the cutting room, it's, you know somebody says that they went to director's cutting room, it is the director cut the film, nobody else ever got the hands on this film. So on the one hand, that's a great triumph for me but also it mean that the film had all the type of that absolutely he knows type hubble that I could hide and say it wasn't me govern it, was that guy made me to cut that out. It wouldn't a bit, there was no, no wait a hide that made me incredibly nervous.

AUDIENCE: You achieve something very, very special with The English Patient by receiving an Oscars. Where do you go from here that?

ANTHONY MINGHELLA: Well, I peaked now. So, so it seems that in a way I've made three movies that's all, I'd better try my 33, and get better by doing it. Because one thing I'm certain of is I'm a better director now having made The English Patient and I was, while I was making, because I have learnt a great deal.

MARCOS: Anthony Minghella speaking to an audience in London Back in 1997, after that he went on to direct several more hit films including The Talented Mr. Ripley and Cold Mountain among them. He's also working on a number of new projects, but the suddenness of his death has become a great shock to those who knew him.













