澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 澳大利亚绿党因国籍问题遭重创 澳女子在美国被警察枪击身亡(在线收听

These are the top stories on ABC News.


The federal opposition says the government's major security overhaul is a stunt driven by internal Liberal Party politics. The immigration minister will head a new security super-portfolio which will oversee the nation's spy agency and the federal police. The government insists the restructure is about putting the safety of Australians first.


The Australian Greens will review their internal processes, after another Senator was forced to quit over citizenship conflicts. Co-deputy leader Larissa Waters today stepped down from parliament after learning she was still a citizen of Canada, and ineligible to hold office. Just last Friday, Scott Ludlam resigned after discovering he held dual New Zealand citizenship.


In the United States, a medical examination has found the fatal police shooting of an Australian woman was a homicide. The Minneapolis officer who shot Justine Damond in the stomach reportedly fired from the passenger seat of his car as she stood talking to two officers.


US surfing great Kelly Slater is facing at least six weeks off tour after breaking his foot at Jeffreys Bay in South Africa. The 11-time world champion was surfing prior to his heat when he was injured. The 45-year-old will miss defending his title in next month's event in Tahiti.

