澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 联合国安理会通过对朝鲜制裁决议(在线收听

Hello, Jason Om with the top stories from ABC News.


The UN Security Council has unanimously voted to impose new sanctions on North Korea, after its sixth and most powerful nuclear test. The new measures will cap crude oil exports to North Korea, ban all textile exports and prohibit all countries from authorising new work permits for North Koreans. The sanctions package was watered down to get the votes of Pyongyang allies Russia and China.


The Turnbull government says it's secured a commitment from energy company AGL to investigate keeping the Liddell power station in NSW open. Labor's accused the government of giving "false hope" to workers at the coal-fired plant due to close in 2022. But Malcolm Turnbull says the opposition should be encouraging AGL to keep Liddell open to help support the national grid.


The federal court has heard Crown Casino and gaming manufacturer, Aristocrat, have broken consumer laws by offering poker machines that misrepresent players' chances of winning. Former pokies addict Shonica Guy has accused the companies of misleading and deceptive conduct over the design of their machines.


And one of Adelaide zoo's star attractions, Yizi the lioness, has died after a tumour was discovered. The 16-year-old female died during a procedure to address a growing mane.


And those are the latest headlines from ABC News.

