篮球英文堂 第302期:科比:当篮球让生命感觉如此鲜活(2)(在线收听

I'm here, because the game need me as much as I needed it.


The game was my comfort, a platform to grow and teach others the same.


It was where I learned about that terrors and joys of life, of ice bath and buzzer beaters, of struggle and of gold, and everything and between.


it was where I transformed the darkness to come closer to the light, it always brought a new a challenge, a floor that needed to be here.


The game would send the medicine directly my way, you will have to make that choice for yourself, whether that treatment would be worth it or not for given.


But greatness cannot come without that cost. How do you press enough without pressing too hard? How do you go far enough if you don't go too far?


How do you get 11 others to begin their relentless pursuit? to duplicate yourself,


not in terms of skill, but in terms of competitive spirit to instill the intensity, to impart that DNA,


so they can be champions on the court, and men, both of it, how do you prove to the world who you really are? to honestly express yourself.


The media will paint a story, the fans and critics will create their own.


But no one's expectation, no one's could live up to my own, I am that killing snak, stone cold man.


My love to become more, and to give more, I did everything for you because that's what you do,


when someone makes you feel as alive as you've made me feel.

