新奇事件簿 雷鬼音乐成为全球文化宝藏(在线收听

Reggae music has become a global cultural treasure. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has added reggae to its list of cultural forms it deems worthy of protecting and promoting. UNESCO officially recognized reggae as an "Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity". Reggae is a music genre that originated in Jamaica in the early 1960s. Pioneers included artists such as Toots and the Maytals, Peter Tosh and the legendary Bob Marley. The Jamaican government was pleased with reggae's new status. Olivia Grange, Jamaica's culture minister, said: "Reggae is uniquely Jamaican. It is a music that we have created that has penetrated all corners of the world."

雷鬼音乐成为全球文化宝藏联合国教科文组织(UNESCO)已将雷鬼音乐列入值得保护和促进的国际文化宝藏清单。UNESCO正式认可雷鬼音乐是“非物质物化遗产”。雷鬼音乐是一种音乐风格,起源于20世纪60年代早期的牙买加。包括图茨、the Maytals、皮特·托什以及传奇人物鲍勃·马利在内的艺术家都是其先驱者。牙买加政府对雷鬼音乐的新地位感到高兴。牙买加文化部长奥利维亚·格兰奇表示:“雷鬼音乐是独特的牙买加人。我们所创造的这种音乐渗透到了世界的每个角落。”

UNESCO defined reggae as being, "an amalgam of numerous musical influences," including Jamaican and Caribbean forms, neo-African styles, soul and rhythm and blues from North America, and Ska and Rock Steady. It described the importance of the music, saying: "Reggae music was the voice of the marginalized. The music is now played and embraced by a wide cross-section of society, including various genders, ethnic and religious groups." It added: "Reggae's contribution to international discourse on issues of injustice, resistance, love and humanity underscores the dynamics of the music as being...cerebral, socio-political, sensual and spiritual."

