澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 特朗普宣布取消金特会 调查人员称击落MH17客机的导弹来自俄军方(在线收听

Donald trump has called off the planned Singapore summit with the North Korean leader. In a letter to Kim Jong-Un, the US president said he made the decision based on what he called the "tremendous anger and open hostility" in a recent North Korean statement. Mr Trump says he's very much looking forward to meeting Mr Kim some day.


International investigators have concluded that the Russian military provided the missile that brought down MH-17 over Ukraine. All 298 people on board, including 38 Australians, were killed when their plane was shot down in July 2014. For the first time, the joint investigation team has named Russia's 53rd anti-aircraft missile brigade as playing a pivotal role.


Bushfires burning on WA's southern coast are threatening lives and home this morning. Emergency warnings are in place at Redmond, Marbelup, McKail, Elleker and Torbay near Albany, as well as in parts of Napier. Fire authorities have told residents it's too late to leave, and that they must now actively defend their homes.


Actor Morgan Freeman has reportedly been accused of sexual and verbal harassment by eight women. CNN is reporting, the women say the 80-year-old made inappropriate remarks about their bodies and harassed them on film sets. In a statement, Freeman apologised to anyone who felt uncomfortable or disrespected, saying it wasn't his intent.

