澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 美马里兰州报社枪击案致5人死亡 澳大利亚9艘护卫舰招标花落英国(在线收听

The top stories today.


At least five people have been shot dead and several others injured at a local newspaper in the United States. The gunman opened fire at the office of the Capital Gazette in Annapolis in Maryland. Authorities say the suspect has been arrested, a motive hasn't been established.

美国一家地方报社发生枪击案,造成至少5人死亡,另有多人受伤。枪手在马里兰州安拉波利斯的Capital Gazette办公室开枪。有关部门表示,嫌疑人已被逮捕,但枪手动机仍然不明。

British defence giant BAE Systems has won a $35 billion contract to build nine Australian naval frigates in Adelaide. The hunter class fleet is expected to begin entering service in the late 2020s to eventually replace the ageing Anzac class warships. The government says the program will create four thousand Australian jobs.


Police are continuing to investigate the deaths of three family members in a workshop accident at Broken Hill in far west New South Wales. A 44 year old man, and his two sons aged 16 and 23 were taken to hospital but died a short time later. Authorities say they're not treating the deaths as suspicious.


Travel plans for thousands of people have been thrown into disarray after the closure of Bali's Denpasar airport due to a volcanic ash cloud. The Mount Agung Volcano began spewing ash yesterday. Flights to and from Bali today will be cancelled and airlines are encouraging passengers to check their websites for updates.

