

This is a valentine you will just love or just hate. It is a Mercedes' smart car on display in Japan that is supposed to symbolize a gift of chocolate. There are little pieces that look like you could just eat them if they were not made of metal or alloy. By Japanese tradition, women are expected to give their men chocolate on Valentine's Day.


Tadaaki Wakamatsu designed the car as well as his own chocolate glasses.” I designed this car,” he says,” hoping that not only men but also women would spend sweet time at the wheel. Esthetically, the little chocolate car —please forgive this, is a matter of taste. “

Tadaaki Wakamatsu设计了这款车还有他自己用的巧克力杯子。他说;“我设计了这款车,希望不仅男人们,女人们在车里也能度过一段甜蜜的时光。从美学上将,这辆巧克力小汽车,还是原谅它吧,那是另一种风格。

Some would say it so cute and so sweet, others might be tempted to park it in a pooper-scooper. Either way, if your lady gives you a chocolate car for Valentine's Day that cost 28,780 dollars, you need to like it.

