英国新闻听力 数百名观察员前往乌克兰监督选举(在线收听

The United Nations in Geneva says the earthquake in Haiti is the worst disaster ever confronted by the organization in terms of logistics, because of the complete collapse of local government and infrastructure. It said Haiti's airport was clogged, its roads blocked, and hospitals had few if any doctors. Tens of thousands of victims had still received no aid whatsoever four days after the quake. In the capital Port-au-Prince, huge lorries have been helping to clear the streets of rubble, so the assistance can get through. And terrible though the conditions are there, it's feared things could be even worse elsewhere in Haiti where even less help has so far arrived. Our correspondent Mark Doyle went to see.

The scene in an hour's drive west of Port-au-Prince apocalyptic. Almost every single building on the road I am driving on now has been flattened. Reinforced concrete roofs have fallen to the floors below or have jammed into the ground at crazy angles. The destruction here is even more dramatic than the dreadful conditions in the capital. People have fled to the surrounding sugarcane fields or into mangrove swamps anything to get away from the nightmare of the falling buildings. I've seen a long line of people queuing up at a single working water tap. Tens of thousands are living in the opening church compounds, school playgrounds and market places. The population here are in profound shock.

Reports coming out of Port-au-Prince say a crowd of about a thousand people have been involved in a violent fight over goods in one of the city’s central commercial streets. A photographer for the Reuter News Agency said that a group of men armed with knives, ice picks and hammers fought one another over clothing, toys and any other items they could find in destroyed houses and shops. The incident calms hours after a senior United Nations official Alien Edward warned of the security threat from the delay in the distribution of aid.

President Obama who's enlisted the support of his two predecessors in the White House, George W. Bush and Bill Clinton, said Americans stood united with the people of Haiti. He said the United States was launching one of its largest ever relief efforts. From Washington, here is Paul Adams.

Putting aside their past differences and presenting a united front, the three presidents all spoke of the immense challenge posed by the earthquake, and of their determination to work together to help Haiti, not just immediately, but over the long term. President Clinton already the UN special envoy for Haiti, called the administration's response so far, truly extraordinary. President Bush visiting the White House for the first time since leaving office, said terrible tragedies brought out the best in the American people.

The US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has already arrived in the stricken country on a US Coast Guard plane which was also carrying emergency food rations as well as other supplies.

The former Prime Minister of Iraq Iyad Allawi has formally unveiled a new nonsectarian alliance that will contest March's parliamentary election with him as leader. From Baghdad, Jim Maura reports.

In addition to liberal secular and nationalist groups, the alliance calling itself the Iraqi Bloc, also includes a number of prominent Sunni leaders, among them, the current vice president, Tariq Hashimi. Standing in the front bow is the new bloc was announced was another well known Sunni leader, Snaha Motlac. It’s widely reported but not officially announced that he is among 499 would-be candidates disqualified by the accountability and justice commission. It’s an independent body charged with rooting out people associated with a former Barth’s system.

A six power meeting in New York to look at the new ways of halting Iran’s continuing defiance of United Nations resolutions on its nuclear program has ended with no decisions being made. They are trying to convince Iran to stop its uranium enrichment program even though Iran itself says this is for purely peaceful purposes. The Americans were expected to push for tougher sanctions, but China which had said the time is not right, only sent a low level diplomat to the meeting.

Spain says a number of illegal immigrants reaching the country by sea from Africa dropped by nearly half in 2009 compared with the previous year to just over 7000. The government attributed the fall to improved cooperation with African countries and better policing of Spain’s borders.

Hundreds of international observers have been deployed to monitor Sunday's presidential election in Ukraine. The European security organization the OICE says it now are 600 in place,18 candidates are standing. Recent opinion polls in Ukraine have suggested the most popular is Viktor Yanukovych, who lost to President Yushchenko in 2004. Mr Yushchenko was also standing again, as the Prime Minister, Yulia Tymoshenko.

联合国日内瓦总部表示,就后勤工作方面来讲,海地地震是该组织面临的最为严重的灾难,因为当地政府和基础设施建筑完全倒塌。联合国表示,海地机场受阻,道路堵塞,医院内医生寥寥无几。地震发生四天之后,数十万受害者仍未得到救援。在首都太子港,大型货车帮助清理道路上的废墟,以便救援车辆通过。尽管形势严峻,恐怕在海地其他地方更加严重,目前为止受到的救援更少。我们的记者Mark Doyle为我们报道现场的景象。


来自太子港的报道称,大约1,000人因争夺太子港中心商业区的货物而卷入暴力冲突。路透社一名摄影师表示,一群手持匕首,冰锥和锤子的人互相争斗,抢夺倒塌的房屋或商店里的衣服,玩具和其他物品。联合国高级官员Alien Edward警告称,安全威胁会延迟救援物资的分发,几小时之后,事件终于平息。

美国总统奥巴马邀请白宫两位前任,乔治.W.布什和比尔·克林顿募捐支持海地就在活动。奥巴马表示,美国人民与海地人民团结在一起。他说,美国正在发起有史以来规模最大的救援活动。华盛顿,Paul Adams报道。



伊拉克前总理伊亚德·阿拉维(Iyad Allawi)正式推出一个新的无党派联盟,阿拉维作为领袖参加三月份的议会选举。巴格达,Jim Maura报道。

除了自由非宗教团体和民族主义团体之外,该联盟还称自己为伊拉克集团,包括一些知名的逊尼派领袖在内,其中包括现任副总统哈希米(Tariq al-Hashimi)。此外,最引人注目的还有另外一位卓著的逊尼派领袖Snaha Motlac。有广泛的报道称,他就在499位被正义和责任委员会认为不够资格参选的候选人之一,但是官方还没有正式宣布。这是一个独立的机构,负责根除与前Barth体系有关的人。



数百名国际观察员被派往乌克兰监督周日举行的总统选举。欧洲安全组织OICE表示,现在已有600名观察员到位,18名候选人参选。乌克兰最近进行的民意调查显示最受欢迎的是亚努科维奇(Viktor Yanukovych),他曾在2004年的选举中败给总统尤先科(Viktor Yushchenko)。尤先科和总理尤利娅·季莫申科(Yulia Tymoshenko)也将参加选举。
