欧美文化博览 走进墨西哥(2)(在线收听

The threat lies off the coast of Arcapoca, beneath the placid Pacific. Anywhere along the shore line, a quake could originate.Here the Coco sanTetonoc plates are forcing their way beneath the North America plate. The most feared section is the dreaded Goraroad gap. For nearly a century, the pressure has beening building. The Goraroad gap lies 300 kilometers from Mexico city. But for people devastated by a quake just 2 decades ago.it's too close for comfort.

威胁位于太平洋海岸下的Arcapoca地震板块。沿任何海岸线,地震都会产生。这里的Coco sanTetonoc板块强迫着北美的板块。最令人惧怕的是可怕的Goraroad断差。在近一个世纪前,压力就断断续续的构成。Goraroad断差离墨西哥城市仅有300公里。但对于20年前遭受地震的人们来说。简直是如坐针毡。

Unfortunately, this is close to Mexico city in the 1995 earthquake. And we expect that it could generate a huge disaster in the city.


Doctor HuaMman manages the Mexico city seismic alert system or SAS. He spend his life developing technology to detect the next big quake.


This was pushing for the develop of electricity system, it was justify the development of the system.


Today, along the Pacific coast, Mexico city is guarded by the first system of its kind. 12 seismic sensors to detect the earthquake trimmers. This is the city's high-tech profits of doom.


The seismic alert system covers original wave that could be a quake were they equip like this, were we have seismic sensor they continue listen to the sound of the ground and analyze it.


Listen their vibration, and measure their strength.


The force of any earthquake is measured on the rift scape.


Most people known it by name, few understand is diabolical mathematics. Those scale theoritically has no limit every quake,every measured as for them between 0 and 9.5, but single decimal point can be a giant increasing destruction. Each additional 0.1 means 100% more force, in Mexico city, a quake above 7.5 can destory buildings. The 1995 earthquake the devastated Mexico city, 8.0. Beyond 8.5, ruin.

