《吸血鬼日记》第一季精讲 第5集19:相互信任(在线收听

I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you mad.

对不起 我并不想惹你生气

Well, what are we doing, partying in a cemetery

我们在干嘛 和一群窝囊废

- With a bunch of losers? - Those are my friends.

在墓地里开派对 -他们是我的朋友

They're waste of space small-town lifers.


Yeah? What am I?You're different, Vick.No, you are.

是吗 那我呢 你不一样 薇姬 不一样的是你

You're the kid with the big house Who's acting out because his parents died.

你是家大业大的阔少爷 只是因为父母双亡才变成这样

Guess what-- You'll get over it.

猜猜怎么着 你会挺过去的

You will pull yourself together, move on,

你会振作起来 继续前进

And one day tell your kids stories About your dark period growing up.

将来某天会给你的孩子们讲述 你成长历程中这段黑色时期

And I'll still be here, waiting tables at the Grill,

而我则还在这里 在格尔酒吧当服务生

Partying at the cemetery With a bunch of waste of space small-town lifers.

在墓地里开派对 跟一群浪费地方的乡下窝囊废鬼混

Go home, Jeremy.If I want to feel like crap about myself,

你走吧 杰里米 如果我想让自己感觉很下贱

I'll just go back to Tyler.Hey, have you seen Elena?

我会回去找泰勒 看到埃琳娜了吗

No, not for a while.You think she went home?Not sure. - Thanks.Hey.

没有 有一会没见了 她回家了吗 不确定 -谢谢 等等

I'm not saying this for you.


I'm saying it for her.But she's big on trust.

我是为了她 总之她很注重相互的信任

So whatever you're holding back from her,


The more you try to hide it,The more she won't stop till she figures it out.

你越想隐瞒 她就越不会罢休 直至弄清楚为止

This is Michael Fell Reporting to you from the Salvatore boarding house,

这是迈克尔·费尔 在塞尔瓦托公寓为您带来的现场报道

Where a brutal animal attack has ended in tragedy.


Ok, they're bringing out the bodies.


See if you can get closer.Is that the nephew?

看能不能拍个特写 门后的是那个侄子吗
