英国新闻听力 北约秘书长呼吁建立导弹防御系统(在线收听

An investigation by the BBC has found evidence that more than 300 people were massacred in the Democratic Republic of Congo last December by the Lord's Resistance Army, the militia which operates across northern Congo, southern Sudan and central African Republic. Our reporter Martin Plaut who went to northeastern Congo said the killings took place west of the town of Angola and lasted five days.

In a remote region in northeastern Congo, a rain of terror was unleashed on villagers by the Lord's Resistance Army. Fighters, some dressed in army uniforms, attacked civilians, raided homes, looted and raped. Children, their arms and feet bound with wire were marched away in human chains. Anyone who fell behind was hack to death. The United Nations which had warning of the attacks, reinforced their presence in towns, but couldn't guard this isolated villagers. When it was all over, witnesses said the stench of death hang over the area.

The NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen has urged the alliance to push ahead with construction of a missile defense system and extended to Russia as well. Mr.Rasmussen said it would reassure America that Europe is ready to invest its own defense. Jonathan Marcus reports.

The NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen said the missile proliferation threat was real and growing. He drew attention to Iran’s nuclear missile programs as a case in point. But he saw a new Euro-Atlantic missile defense system as he called it as more than just means of defending NATO countries against ballistic missile attack. Mr.Rasmussen clearly believed that such a system could reinvigorate not just the European allies relationship with the United States, but also NATO's whole relationship with Russia.

Israel's refusal to stop building Jewish homes in occupied East Jerusalem has provoked angry reactions at an Arab summit in Libya. Addressing the conference, Turkey's Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan described the position as madness. The UN Chief Ban Ki-moon urged Arab leaders to continue supporting American efforts to restart peace talks.

Thousands of supporters of the conservative Tea Party movement have gathered in the small desert town of Searchlight in the American state of Nevada. For a rally where they were addressed by the former republican, vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin. Emilio San Pedro reports.

The choice of Searchlight as the place to kick off a nationwide tour aimed at defeating democrats who have supported President Obama's health care reforms is intentional. The small town of less than a thousand inhabitants is home to one of the Tea Party's prime targets for defeat in the November midterm congressional elections,the Senate Majority leader Harry Reid.But it's not only leading Democrats like Mr.Reid were facing a stiff challenge from the Tea Party and its supporters. Republicans seen as too moderate are facing the heat from the Tea Party too.

World News from the BBC.

Spain which currently holds a presidency of the European Union has lifted a ban, preventing a number of prominent Libyans from visiting most of western Europe. The ban was imposed on the initiative of Switzerland which was embroiled in a diplomatic row with Libya. The Libyans have been denied entry into the visa-free zone, set up by the Schengen agreement which includes Switzerland.

President Hosny Mubarak of Egypt has returned home from Germany after recovering from surgery that he'd underwent three weeks ago. During his treatment, doctors removed the president's gall bladder and a growth from his small intestine. Christian Fraser reports from Cairo.

He's been in power almost 30 years and throughout has maintained an iron grip on power. Yet somethings have changed in the past months, it's not just the president's health that rekindles this debate on succession. There's been another homecoming this month. Mohammed ElBaradei, the former head of the International Atomic Energy Agency and Korean diplomat with all the credential to be a president has just returned from Vienna to a hero's welcome.

A search is going on in Morocco for the managing director of the Abu Dhabi investment authority,Ahmed bin Zayed al-Nahayan,who's missing after a glider crash into a lake. The pilot of the aircraft was rescued. Sheikh Ahmed is the younger brother of the president of the Unied Arab Emirates. The Abu Dhabi investment authority is believed to be the world's largest sovereign wealth fund.

The richest horse race in the world has been run in Dubai at a spectacular new complex known as the Meydan. The Dubai Gold Cup which carries a prize of ten million dollars was won in a photo finish by the Brazilian-bred Gloria De Campeao, ridden by Tiago Pereira. Just ahead of Lizard's Desire ridden by Kevin Shea.The vast race arenaincludes state of the arts and infective track, a future is to ground stand able to accommodate 60,000 people, a luxury hotel and a marina.

BBC进行的一项调查发现证据表明,去年12月份,刚果民主共和国300多人惨遭圣主抵抗军(Lord's Resistance Army)屠杀。圣主抵抗军是一个义勇军组织,在刚果北部,苏丹南部和中非共和国运营。深入刚果东北部的BBC记者Martin Plaut表示,这次屠杀事件发生在Angola镇西部,持续了5天时间。


北约秘书长拉斯穆森呼吁北约推动导弹防御系统的建设,并延伸至俄罗斯。拉斯穆森表示,此举可以向美国保证,欧洲准备好为自己的防御系统进行投资。Jonathan Marcus报道。



茶党运动数千名支持者在美国内华达州一个沙漠城镇瑟奇莱特集会。在集会上,美国前共和党副总统候选人萨拉·佩林发表讲话。Emilio San Pedro报道。




埃及总统穆巴拉克三周前在德国接受手术,现已康复回国。在治疗期间,医生切除了穆巴拉克的胆囊和小肠增生。Christian Fraser在开罗报道。

穆巴拉克已经在位接近30年的时间,一直实施铁腕政策。然而,在过去的几个月,事态却发生了变化。不只是总统的健康状况重新点燃了关于继位的争论,本月还有一位著名人物归国。Mohammed ElBaradei担任国际原子能机构前负责人,前驻韩国外交官,拥有成为总统的所有凭证,本月他从维也纳回国,受到英雄一般的热烈欢迎。

阿布扎比投资局总裁谢赫阿卜杜拉·本·扎耶德·阿勒纳哈扬(Sheikh Ahmed bin Zayed al-Nahayan)摩洛哥坠机失踪,搜救工作目前正在进行中。飞机上的飞行员已经获救。谢赫阿卜杜拉是阿联酋总统弟弟。阿联酋投资管理局被认为是世界上最大的主权财富基金。

世界最大的赛马场“梅登”赛马场在迪拜正式开始运营。根据摄影定局,包含1000万美元奖金的迪拜赛马世界杯冠军由巴西骏马Gloria de Campeao赢得,骑师是Tiago Pereira。Kevin Shea驾驭的Lizard's Desire排在第二位。这个浩大的竞技场包括宽阔的跑道,能够容纳60,000人的看台,豪华酒店和供游艇停泊的码头。
