纽约时报 特朗普援引称律法 证明自己有权命令美企撤出中国(1)(在线收听

Trump Cites Law To Justify Order For China Exodus.

特朗普援引称律法 证明自己有权命令美企撤出中国

By Peter Baker and Keith Bradsher


BIARRITZ, France — President Trump asserted on Saturday that he has the authority to make good on his threat to force all American businesses to leave China,


citing a national security law that has been used mainly to target terrorists, drug traffickers and pariah states like Iran, Syria and North Korea.


As he arrived in France for the annual meeting of the Group of 7 powers,


Mr. Trump posted a message on Twitter citing the International Emergency Economic Powers Act of 1977,


a law originally meant to enable a president to isolate criminal regimes, not sever economic ties with a major trading partner over a tariff's dispute.


“For all of the Fake News Reporters that don’t have a clue as to what the law is relative to Presidential powers,


China, etc., try looking at the Emergency Economic Powers Act of 1977,” Mr. Trump wrote. “Case closed!”


The president’s threat to all but cut off one of America’s most important trading relationships amid a so-far-unsuccessful trade war


could disrupt a global economy already on the edge of recession


while further unsettling companies in the United States that rely on China in their production of everything from clothing to smartphones.


Mr. Trump has often made drastic threats as a negotiating ploy to extract concessions,


as when he vowed to close the border with Mexico or impose tariffs on its goods to compel action to halt illegal immigration.


But if he were to follow through in this case,


it would be the most significant break with China since President Richard M. Nixon’s diplomatic opening to Beijing in the early 1970s.


Even if it never comes to that and Mr. Trump ultimately backs down,


the threat itself could still have a long-lasting impact on relations with China and perhaps embolden hard-liners in Beijing,


pressing President Xi Jinping to take a more confrontational approach to the United States.


Mr. Trump’s claim that he can order American companies to pull out of China


also represented the latest audacious assertion of power by a president who has repeatedly crossed lines his predecessors did not.


While he took office criticizing President Barack Obama for exceeding his authority,


Mr. Trump has gone even further in finding creative ways to take action on his priorities.


“Any invocation of the International Emergency Economic Powers Act in these circumstances and for these purposes would be an abuse,”


said Daniel M. Price, who was an international economic adviser to President George W. Bush.


“The act is intended to address extraordinary national security threats and true national emergencies, not fits of presidential pique.”

