NBC晚间新闻 莫斯科客机起火紧急迫降(在线收听

Tonight a Russian passenger plane became a fireball. Flames consumed the back half as survivors escaped on inflatable slides, fleeing the burning wreckage on foot. The Russian built Sukhoi Superjet was operated by Aeroflot and took off from Moscow S unday night on route to the northern city of Murmansk.

Russia's Interfax news agency reported the pilots issued a distress call immediately after takeoff and the plane circled back 30 minutes later for an emergency landing. While it's too soon for a cause, aviation experts say this video will surely provide crucial clues. You're not just seeing a little fire in one localized area on the airframe. You're seeing a trail of heavy thick flame and smoke and that could only be from a breach in the fuel system. For survivors a harrowing ordeal and nothing short of a miracle.

