
It wasn't until decades after that pact that Jefferson freed his own children. Two left Monticello in the 1820s, according to Thomas Jefferson Foundation. Madison and another son, Esten, were only freed in Jefferson's will in 1826.


But the sexual relationship between Jefferson and one of his slaves was contested for centuries, with most historians—including Ellis—denying the rumors until DNA analysis proved Jefferson fathered some or all of Hemings' six children.


Gordon-Reed's groundbreaking book Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings: An American Controversy, challenged the long-held perceptions of both Jefferson and Hemings in 1997.

1997年,戈登·里德的开创性著作《Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings: An American Controversy》,挑战了人们长期以来对杰斐逊和海明斯的看法。

But it wasn't until the opening of a 2018 exhibit at Monticello, Jefferson's palatial plantation in Virginia, that was presented as Hemings' living quarters that dealt a "final blow to two centuries of ignoring, playing down or covering up what amounted to an open secret during Jefferson's life: his relationship with a slave that spanned nearly four decades," The New York Times reported at the time.


Gordon-Reed told Newsweek she doesn't have a problem with preserving statues of Jefferson "as long as his complicated history is told."


She added: "Jefferson's contributions to the country and his life as a slaveholder put the duality of the American story in sharp relief, and have been the basis of educating citizens about the reality of the country's origins and how we can move forward.


"Unlike the Confederates, Jefferson championed ideas that we still regard as important: the separation of Church and State, freedom of religion, the necessity of a public education system, support for science and, most importantly of all, the Declaration of Independence. He did not live up to the ideals of the Declaration, but his words have taken on meaning for generations in the United States and throughout the world."

