《唐顿庄园》精讲75 庄园主花钱替下人消灾(在线收听

So why have you come here if he has done everything you asked of him?

你为何来此 他不是都已满足了你的要求

Because he hasn't.He wouldn't give me any money.

他没有 他一分钱都没给我

If I had, how could I prevent his returning to Downton once it was spent?

若是给了 难保他花完后又回到唐顿来

My dear Mr Grigg...


Oh, it's nice to see someone's got some manners.


Hold your tongue!


I'll tell you what is going to happen.


And we will never set eyes on you again.


I'll have to see about that.


If you return to this area, I will personally ensure your conviction for theft and blackmail.

若你胆敢再出现 我将亲自告你盗窃及敲诈罪

Just a minute. You will serve from five to 10 years in His Majesty's custody.

慢着 你将入狱服刑五至十年

You think you're such a big man, don't you?

你以为自己很了不起 是不是

Just cos you're a lord, you think you can do what you like with me.

仗着自己是伯爵 就可以为所欲为 是吧

I think it...because it is true.

我能这样做 是因为这都是事实

You'll not always be in charge, you know!


The day is coming when your lot will have to tow the line just like the rest of us!

有朝一日你也得听天由命 变得和我们一样

Perhaps. But happily for Carson, that day has not come yet.

或许吧 所幸对于Carson 这一天还没来
