2021年经济学人 第五种力或被发现,宇宙终极奥秘即将揭开(在线收听

Life, the universe and everything


Beauty spots


Just possibly, a route to the much-sought "new physics" has opened


The standard model of particle physics is one of the most powerful theories in science. It is, though, incomplete. It describes a suite of fundamental particles and the forces through which they interact, but it fails to include gravity and dark matter (mysterious stuff detectable at the moment only by its gravitational pull), and also cannot explain why there is more matter than antimatter in the universe.


For these reasons, physicists have spent decades searching for ways to extend it, or at least for results that may provide a means of doing so. And on March 23rd, at a meeting called the Moriond Electroweak Physics Conference, a team from Europe's particle-physics laboratory, CERN, in Geneva, reported that they might have some.


The details are arcane. But they concern particles called beauty quarks which, themselves, form part of other particles called B-mesons. When beauty quarks decay, the daughter particles produced sometimes include a pair of what are known as charged leptons. These may be an electron and its antimatter equivalent, a positron, or two heavier leptons, a muon and an antimuon. The Standard Model predicts equal numbers of such pairs. But an analysis of results from the LHCB experiment (pictured), a purpose-built detector fitted to CERN's Large Hadron Collider (LHC), suggests electron-positron pairs are more abundant than muon pairs.


If confirmed, this could be the much sought crack into which researchers can insert a metaphorical crowbar to prise the Standard Model open and reveal what it is hiding—perhaps a fifth force of nature to go alongside gravity, electro-magnetism and the strong and weak nuclear forces.


In public, those involved are cautious. Calculations suggest there is one chance in 1,000 the result is a fluke. In many fields of science that would be enough to declare victory and go home, but particle physicists are choosier. They require one chance in 3.5m. Privately, however, things are different. As Mitesh Patel of Imperial College, London, who is one of the team members, put it, "we were actually shaking when we first looked at the results, we were that excited. Our hearts did beat a bit faster."

在公共场合,参与者都很谨慎。计算表明,有一千分之一的可能性这个结果只是侥幸。在许多科学领域,这足以宣告胜利然后回家,但粒子物理学家更挑剔。他们需要350万分之一的机会。然而,私底下情况就不同了。伦敦帝国理工学院(Imperial College, London)的米泰什·帕特尔是该团队的成员之一,他说:“当我们第一次看到结果时,我们真的在发抖,我们非常兴奋。”我们的心跳确实加快了一点。”
