《爱丽丝梦游仙境》精讲 57一家人在一起最重要(在线收听

Alice. Oh, Alice. You simply must come and meet my family. After all, you are the very person who saved them, aren't you? We're going to have so much fun together. But, of course, you have a family of your own... Don't you? Very important thing, a family. You only get the one.

爱丽丝 来这边 你一定要见见我们一家人 无论怎么说都是你的功劳 你救了我们一家 不是吗 一家人团聚多么开心啊 当然了 你也一样有自己的家人 是吧 一家人在一起是最最重要的 人都只有一个家

Oh, hatter. I fear I may never see you again.

疯帽子 我担心会再也见不到你了

My dear Alice. In the gardens of memory... In the palace of dreams... That is where you and I will meet.

我亲爱的爱丽丝 在我们记忆的花园里 在梦想的宫殿里 你我会再次相见的

But a dream is not reality.


Who's to say which is which?

