《权力的游戏》精讲 第7集:不胜即死(3)(在线收听

I didn't realize you placed such a high value on my brother's life. He's a Lannister. He might be the lowest of the Lannisters, but he's one of us.

我不知道你会这么看重我兄弟的性命.他是兰尼斯特家的人.也许是最差劲的兰尼斯特, 但仍是我们的族人.

And every day that he remains a prisoner, the less our name commands respect. So the lion does concern himself with the opinions of-


No, it's not an opinion. It's a fact. If another House can seize one of our own and hold him captive with impunity,

这不是看法而是事实.如果别的家族敢抓我们的族人.并且关押他, 而不遭到惩罚...

We are no longer a House to be feared. Your mother's dead. Before long i'll be dead.


And you and your brother and your sister and all of her children. All of us dead;

而你...你弟弟, 你姐姐...还有他们的所有儿女, 我们都会死,

All of us rotting in the ground. It's the family name that lives on. It's all that lives on.


Not your personal glory, not your honor, but family. Do you understand?

不是你的名声, 不是你的荣誉, 而是家族.你明白没有?

You're blessed with abilities that few men possess. You are blessed to belong to the most powerful family in the kingdoms.


And you are still blessed with youth. And what have you done with these blessings, huh? You've served as a glorified bodyguard for two kings-

你还幸运地正当年轻力壮.而你用你的幸运做了些什么, 嗯?你做了两个国王的光荣的侍卫...

One a madman, the other a drunk. The future of our family will be determined in these next few months. We could establish a dynasty that will last a thousand years.

一个是疯子, 另一个是酒鬼.我们家族未来的命运将在今后几周中决定.我们可能开创一个延续千年的王朝...
