歪唇男人 31揭开迷雾(4)(在线收听

"Yes. He was brought up and remanded for further inquiries."


"So I heard. You have him here?" "In the cells."


"Is he quiet?" "Oh, he gives no trouble. But he is a dirty scoundrel."

"他规矩吗?" "哦,一点也不捣乱。不过这坏蛋脏透了。"

"Dirty?" "Yes, it is all we can do to make him wash his hands, and his face is as black as a tinker's.

"脏得很?" "对,我们只能做到促使他洗了洗手,他的脸简直黑得象个补锅匠一样。

Well, when once his case has been settled, he will have a regular prison bath;


and I think, if you saw him, you would agree with me that he needed it."


"I should like to see him very much."


"Would you? That is easily done. Come this way. You can leave your bag."


"No, I think that I'll take it."


"Very good. Come this way, if you please."


He led us down a passage, opened a barred door, passed down a winding stair,


and brought us to a whitewashed corridor with a line of doors on each side.


"The third on the right is his," said the inspector.


"Here it is!" He quietly shot back a panel in the upper part of the door and glanced through.


"He is asleep," said he. "You can see him very well."

