《关键投票》精讲 22巴德与总统的亲密交谈(在线收听

It's my little home in the sky.


It's kinda, like a trailer with wings.


Fine analogy, Bud.

比喻的好 巴德

Molly, I saw your speech on TV the other night.

莫莉 那天我在电视上看到你的演说了

Very impressive!


Say thank you, baby. - Thank you, Mr. President.

说谢谢啊 宝贝女 谢谢 总统先生

You must be a very proud father. - Yes, sir.

你一定很自豪吧 是的先生

God, I'm sorry. Mr. President.

天哪 又错了 是"总统"先生

You can see why she's definitely the brains of our operation.

你能看出来吧 她才是我们家的幕后首脑

I know what you mean. we all need a Molly.

我明白你的意思 我们都需要一个幕后首脑

Marty here, is my Molly.


That's right. Molly, I bet a smart kid like you...

对了 莫莉 一个像你这么聪明的孩子

would love to see the war room.


No, thanks.

不用了 谢谢

Why don't we have a peek and then your dad and the President can have a talk.

我们去看看吧 让爸爸跟总统先生谈谈

Go on, Honey. Daddy has to talk to the President.

去吧 宝贝 老爸要跟总统谈谈

She's a firecracker!


Yes, sir, she's the whole deal!

是的先生 她对我很重要

I wouldn't mind seeing the war room, Mr. President.

其实我也想看看战争陈列室 总统先生

I'll show it to you later. And please, call me Andy.

我等会就带你去看 请叫我安迪

Andy? Yeah.

叫你安迪? 是的

Are you sure, that-that other guy...

你确定吗? 那个人

I know, things can get a little formal around here.


Commander in Chief, running the country and all that. Please.

总指挥官管理整个国家 难免的嘛

I am just an ordinary man, like you...

我只是一个普通人 跟你一样

The kinda guy you can sit down and have a beer with.


Would you like a beer, Bud?

你想喝啤酒吗? 巴德

A beer?


No shit?


No shit.


Well, then...


Yes. Hell, yeah, Andy. Okay!

当然要了 安迪 没问题

David, would you get us a couple of beers, please?

大卫 你能给我们来点啤酒吗?

Thank you very much. - So...

多谢了 所以呢

you're gonna have some story to tell your friends.


I read about you in the paper. They say you've never lost an election.

我读过有关你的报导 你没输过一场选举

That's right. You can learn a lot from reading the newspaper.

没错 读报可以让你见多识广

They also said that you don't believe in anything anymore.

他们还说 你都没有信仰不择手段了

Even if it meant selling your mother's soul.


No, see, no, see that's libelous, Because my mother is a wonderful...

不对 那是诽谤 我母亲是一个很杰出

wonderful, wonderful woman.


If you met my mother, you'd understand.

如果你见过我母亲 你就明白了

You a football fan, Bud?

你喜欢橄榄球吗? 兄弟

Well, I'm an American, aren't I?

美国人都喜欢的 是吧

I played a little in high school.


Did you now? What position?

是吗? 打什么位置?

I was quarterback.


I always thought football was a strategic game. A lot like diplomacy.

我一直以为橄榄球是个策略运动 就像外交

You got your offense, your defense, the President is like your quarterback...

你要有进攻 有防守 总统就是四分卫

and the American voters...


Well... they're like the coach.


Never thought of it that way.


Now the coach's job is to make sure...


that the right man has the football at the critical time.

关键时刻 控球权在正确的队员手中

I know exactly what you mean, Andy.

我完全明白你的意思 安迪

Do you?


Maybe not.


Bring in the football, please.

