CGTN头条新闻2022 中国将加强对冷链食品进口的控制(在线收听

China to step up control over cold-chain food imports

China to provide Tonga with more emergency aid

China has decided to provide more emergency assistance to Tonga in the wake of the recent volcanic eruptions and tsunami.

The country will send another batch of emergency supplies worth 20 million yuan, or 3.1 million U.S. dollars, to Tonga.

The assistance also includes emergency humanitarian aid in cash, and aid materials raised through the Chinese Embassy in Fiji.

The first batch of emergency supplies arrived in Tonga on Jan. 19.

Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian says China will continue to provide relief and post-disaster reconstruction assistance in light of the disaster situation and the needs of Tonga.

China to step up control over cold-chain food imports amid pandemic

China will ramp up control measures over imported cold-chain food and farm produce to prevent the spread of COVID-19 through entry points.

The General Administration of Customs says it will also strictly monitor high-risk non-cold-chain container goods.

It has also stressed disinfection of inbound flights and other high-risk means of transportation, and precise quarantine for personnel.

China recently found imported infections related to cold-chain goods and international mail.

The Omicron variant currently dominating the global spread also poses an increasing threat to the country.

China to cut energy consumption intensity by 13.5 pct in five years

China is aiming to cut energy consumption per unit of gross domestic product by 13.5 percent compared to 2020 levels.

The target date for reaching this goal is 2025.

The State Council has released a five-year plan on energy conservation and emissions reduction.

The country will launch 10 major projects, including green upgrading in key industries, emissions reductions in communications and logistics industries, and the clean and efficient use of coal.

Trade between Fujian, Taiwan exceeds 100 billion yuan in 2021

Trade between Fujian and Taiwan has further increased over the past year.

The trade volume topped 100 billion yuan, or nearly 16 billion U.S. dollars in 2021, up 26 percent year on year.

Nearly 1500 Taiwan-invested enterprises were newly established in Fujian last year.

UAE says intercepts 2 ballistic missiles launched by Yemen's Houthis

The Ministry of Defense in the United Arab Emirates says its air defense systems intercepted and destroyed two ballistic missiles fired by Yemen's Houthi militia.

The ministry says a missile launcher in Yemen was destroyed shortly after it launched ballistic missiles against Abu Dhabi.

It says no casualties were reported as a result of the attack because the ballistic missile fragments fell in several locations around the UAE capital.

The latest exchange of fire came after a Houthi attack on the UAE on Jan. 17, during which three petroleum tankers burst into flames near Abu Dhabi National Oil Company storage facilities. Three persons were killed and six others injured in the attack.

Situation in Burkina Faso's capital calm amid report of president's detention: Chinese diplomat

A senior Chinese diplomat says the situation in Burkina Faso's capital is generally calm for now with no clashes and no reports of casualties in the last two days.

Earlier, it had been reported that President Roch Marc Christian Kabore had been detained overnight by mutinous soldiers and was taken to a military camp.

Chinese Counselor in Burkina Faso Wang Wenzhang says around 500 Chinese nationals in the country are safe, adding that the Chinese embassy will closely follow the developments in the country.

On Sunday, a country-wide curfew was imposed in Burkina Faso, following reports of gunfire in some army barracks in the morning.

Ice-wall coolant leaks from Fukushima nuclear plant in Japan

The operator of Japan's disaster-hit Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant has confirmed that four tons of coolant has leaked from two storage tanks.

The coolant was used to create an ice wall refraining groundwater from seeping into reactor buildings.

The leakage was discovered on Jan. 16 near the ice wall.

Tokyo Electric Power Company says there may be damage to the ice pipes in the wall and the company will seek to repair the damage.

It says there is no immediate impact on the wall's function.

The leakage poses more unpredictable challenges in the clean-up of the site, nearly 11 years after the massive earthquake and tsunami disaster on Japan's northeastern coast.

IOC president Bach arrives in Beijing ahead of Beijing Winter Olympics

International Olympic Committee president Thomas Bach has arrived in Beijing for the Winter Games.

The IOC says Bach is now in a three-day isolation, before starting his official program on Tuesday.

CMG launches 8K UHD TV channel

China Media Group has launched an 8K ultra high definition television channel.

Olympic Broadcasting Services CEO Yiannis Exarchos says the 8K TV channel will broadcast the Winter Olympics with the highest technical standard.

TV programs on the 8K channel will be shown on screens at four train stations on the high speed railway linking Beijing with Olympic co-host city Zhangjiakou.

CMG will also cooperate with cable television networks in Beijing and Guangdong on 8K TV broadcasts during the Beijing Winter Olympics.
