
“If we started mining over again, knowing what we know now, surely we would carry out extractive industries in parts of the planet where there was least life,” he tells TIME via video call.


“We wouldn’t go to the rain forest. We would go to the deserts.


That’s what we have here in the CCZ: the most desert-like place on the planet.


It just happens to be covered by 4,000 m of water.


Even if seabed mining were able to provide metals in sufficient quantities to feed growing demand for electric vehicles, it’s unlikely that terrestrial mining would come to an end.


If anything, demand for the metals would increase, as manufacturers engineer based on the availability of more plentiful supplies.


Nor would ocean mining necessarily be immune from the oversight problems that plague land extraction.


Fishing on the high seas, for example, is highly regulated on paper, but enforcement is weak because of the difficulty and high costs of policing nearly 100 million square nautical miles of open ocean, leading to rampant abuse.


Nor is it certain that cobalt mining will even be all that important in car-battery technology going forward.


To start, there are efforts among many battery manufacturers, Tesla among them, to recycle cobalt (among other elements) from spent batteries.


More long-term, manufacturers have already started the shift to alternatives.


Lithium-ironphosphate options—which are jokingly referred to as rust-and-fertilizer batteries in the industry for the everyday ubiquity of their core ingredients— may have a lower energy density than cobalt versions,


but engineers are willing to work around those limitations in order to reduce their dependence on imports, says Gavin Harper, a battery metals Ph.D. and research fellow at Birmingham University’s Energy Institute.


“They won’t give you the extreme performance (of cobalt battery formulations), but they will give you a more than adequate performance that will meet a lot of people’s needs, without the baggage that comes with (cobalt) chemistries.”


Many Chinese EV manufacturers have already made the switch, and Tesla announced in September 2020 that the batteries in its Model S will soon be cobalt-free.

许多中国的电动车制造商已经进行了转换,特斯拉在2020年9月宣布,其Model S的电池将很快不含钴。

Even the IEA in its report noted that EV-battery manufacturers are shifting away from cobalt-rich chemistries in favor of those using cheaper, more readily available materials.

