优势商务英语谈判 Not Negotiating with the Right Person(在线收听

Not Negotiating with the Right Person

Dialogue 1A:Hello,Mr Jovbers,this is Colan from POWAL AND Associates,do you remember we met last week at the electronical's convention in Las Vegas.I remember we talked about the possibility of working together on investment project.you asked me to call this week to follow up with you?

B:Oh,yes hello Colan,thanks for giving me a call,i am really glad you are following up about that project.

A:Yes,i was hoping to discuss more the details with you and your colleagues.I think maybe the best way would be to set up a meeting sometime next week,if it would be convenient for you.

B:Certainly,certainly anytime next week,after Tuesday should be fine.

A:Mr Jovbers.i know the two of us have already talked about a quite bit about the details of the project ,you're very knowledgable about this area,but i was wondering if there maybe some other people in your office that might be important to include in our negotiations as well.

B:Of course,i'll put team together for the meeting ,so then as far as making decisions about the direction of this project , you'll be able to take the lead on it.

A:Well,i more about resolve person myself ,i'll be sure that our department head Tom Janson will be in the meeting too,he'll probably be the one to make the most decisions on this one.

B:Great,i'm really looking forward to meet MR Janson at our meeting.do you think you could forward along his contact information to me ?

Dialogue 2 A:Hi it's good to see you again Mr Carder.did you have the chance to review our catalogue yet?

B:Yes,by secretary fowarded your messages to me ,i have had the chance to review the information you've sent,there are quite a few units that we're interested in.

A:Great,if you write down the uint numbers for us ,i can get your sample send right away.

B:Well, we would like your office to send sample of some of units,but also we were hoping to set up a meeting with some of the people from your office to discuss the possibility working out a long term contract.

A:We can do that,when we'll be a good time for you.

B:We can meet next Wednesday or Friday afternoon,for our discussion i'll be bring along a couple of colleagues from our legal department to help us with specific of the contract.should we be meeting with you directly? or is there someone else from your company who can work with us on the terms of the contract?

A:I'll certainly be at the meeting in attedance ,but you'll also be working with my boss,Mr Zhang,he'll be your direct contact for setting the terms on the contract.

B:Great,do you think you could send MR Zhang's information to my secretary?
