财经金融新闻 津巴布韦向中国出售大象(在线收听

Wildlife conservationists are up in arms over the sale of more than 20 baby elephants from Zimbabwe to Chinese zoos, with major concerns cited over zoo conditions.


On July 6, the elephants arrived in the southern city of Guangzhou from Zimbabwe, according to animal rights activist Hu Chunmei. Campaigners from several organizations raised questions on the treatment of animals in captivity in China.


Hu said in 2012, several zoos in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province, and in the western Xinjiang region, purchased four elephants from Zimbabwe but one died after arriving in China and two other elephants have gone missing. The buyer of the elephant calves remains unknown.


For weeks before the shipment of the animals, activists urged the Zimbabwe government to cancel the deal. Zimbabwe officials said the elephant population has become too large and that the animals can generate fiscal revenue of US$ 40,000 to 60,000 per elephant. In response to the widely-publicized animal rights campaign, Zimbabwean officials have argued that the sale of the elephants is part of conservation efforts, as the alternative measure to resizing the herd population would have been to cull the animals.


Animals under zoo captivity in China often suffer from notoriously sub-standard conditions. According to the animal welfare NGO China Zoo Watch, many African elephants on display in cities across China from the eastern province of Shandong to the southern region of Guangxi, have faced inhumane treatment.

在中国,圈养动物的生存条件恶劣。根据动物福利民间组织“China Zoo Watch”所说,从山东省到广西省的许多动物园中,非洲大象对外进行展览,并遭受着残忍的对待,

For Caixin Online, this is Diana Bates.

