财经金融新闻 财新中国服务业指数(在线收听

The Caixin China Purchasing Managers’ Index for the services sector grew from 51.8 points in June to 53.8 in July, representing the highest figure in 11 months. A PMI reading above 50 signifies growth, and one below that indicates contraction.


The new orders category drove gains, showing the second-fastest growth in eight months.


Recent PMI surveys highlighted the resilience of the services sector over the manufacturing industry. The tertiary industry has been growing at a faster pace than primary and secondary industries. It is expected to further strengthen.


The employment sub-index improved over the figure for June, with service providers continuing to add workers. Many companies surveyed said they hired more workers because they were expecting business to pick up.


The Caixin China Composite PMI, which covers both manufacturing and services, was 50.2, down from June’s 50.6 points. This pointed to the weakest expansion of the country’s business activities in 14 months.


This was mainly caused by weakness in manufacturing. The final Caixin China Manufacturing PMI for July was 47.8 points, a 15-month low.


The Caixin China PMI, including the manufacturing and services indexes, is released every month. The data is compiled from monthly replies to questionnaires sent to companies’ purchasing executives. It is produced by Markit Group, a leading global provider of financial information services. Before Caixin, HSBC held the sponsorship of the PMI for five years.

财新中国PMI包括制造业和服务业指数,每个月公布一次。数据的采集是通过每月递交给企业采购主管的问卷完成的。PMI是由全球金融信息服务提供商Markit Group制作。在财新之前,汇丰银行为PMI冠名五年。

For Caixin Online, this is Diana Bates.

