纪录片《大英博物馆世界简史》 049新罗瓦当(2)(在线收听

Tribes and little kingdoms are coalescing into larger units, ones that will eventually become the nation states that we know today. England, Scotland and Denmark on one side, Japan and Korea on the other. For all these countries, these are the critical centuries.


Lying between north-east China and Japan, the Korean peninsula was, like England at the same date, fragmented by competing kingdoms. In 668, the southernmost kingdom, Silla, with the backing of China-then, as now, the regional superpower-conquered its neighbours and imposed its rule from the far south to quite a bit north of what is now Pyongyang. It never controlled the far north, but the unified Silla kingdom for the next three hundred years ruled most of what is now Korea from its imperial capital in the south, Kyongju, a city splendidly adorned with grand new buildings.

朝鲜半岛地处日本与中国东北之间。同英国一样,当时这里也分成了许多相互征战的小国。公元668年,最南端的新罗国在中国唐朝政 府的支持下吞并了半岛上的其他国家,将自己的疆土从最南端扩张到了 北部今平壤一带。它的势力从未涉及半岛的最北端(与今日中国接壤的部分),但在接下来三百年的时间里,这个统一的新罗国从自己位于南部 的首都庆州发号施令,统治着今日朝鲜与韩国的绝大部分疆土。庆州兴建了许多豪华的新建筑,城市被装扮得极为华丽。

The object in this programme is a roof tile that comes from one of those new buildings, in this case a temple, and it tells us a great deal about the achievements and the apprehensions of the young Silla state.


I've got the tile in my hand now. It's about the size of a large old-fashioned roof slate, so just under a foot (30 cm) square, and it's made of heavy cream-coloured clay. The top and the sides are edged with a roughly decorated border, and in the middle of the tile is a fearsome face looking straight out at me.

