
  Run! Run! Guys, look out! Everyone, stand back. Terence? Put on your seat belts, everyone. Trust me.

  快跑... 哦 大伙小心一点 所有人向后退 大红...所有人系好安全带 相信我

  Well, this is dynamite.


  There you are. Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin! Delicious bird eggyweggy.

  找到你了 以我的胡子发誓 绝对不给你 无敌美味的小鸟蛋蛋

  You can't eat eggs!


  What are you gonna do? I'm a foodie. It's over. You're finished, Eyebrows.

  来打我呀 我是美食家 都结束了 没戏唱了 海苔眉毛

  Eyebrows! Someone has anger issues.

  海苔眉毛 愤怒的病说犯就犯

  Anger is not always the answer!


  Well, you know what? I guess you win.

  好吧 你听着 我承认你赢了



  That was an awesome plan. Mind blower.

  你的计划非常出色 当头一棒

  Really? Well, thank you. You know, a lot of hard work goes into my sinister plans.

  真的吗? 谢谢你 要知道我的邪恶计划花费了我不少心血

  It does. Nah, I mean, your plan was great. But you didn't plan for this!

  我不骗你 你的计划是挺不错的 不过事情总有意外的时候
