
Weekend at Grandma's 周末在外婆家

  A: You never called me back last night.

  A: 你昨晚没给我回电话。

  B: I'm sorry; my grandma took away my phone.

  B: 对不起;我奶奶拿走了我的手机。

  A: What did she do that for?

  A: 她这么做是为了什么?

  B: She said it was too late to be talking on the phone.

  B: 她说现在打电话太晚了。

  A: You said you'd call me at 9 p.m.

  A: 你说过晚上9点给我打电话。

  B: That's the time she sent me to bed.

  B: 那是她送我上床睡觉的时候。

  A: How can anyone sleep so early?

  A: 谁能睡得这么早?

  B: She said that was her usual bed time.

  B: 她说那是她平时睡觉的时间。

  A: I guess old people need to sleep longer.

  A: 我想老年人需要睡更长时间。

  B: Not really. She woke me up at 5 a.m. this morning.

  B: 不是真的。今天早上5点她把我叫醒了。

  A: Wow! Your grandma really loves sunlight.

  A: 哇!你奶奶真的很喜欢阳光。

  B: I'm so exhausted.

  B: 我太累了。
