《神奇动物在哪里》精讲 19(在线收听

That could be any one of hundreds.


There is something else. Something I haven't told you.I saw you beside me in New York.

还有一件事 之前没告诉你 我看到你与我在纽约并肩而立

You're the one that gains this child's trust.You are the key, I saw this.

只有你能获取那孩子的信任 你是关键 我看到了

You want to join the wizarding world.I want those things too, Credence. I want them for you.

你渴望加入魔法师的世界 我也是 克雷登斯 我渴望你能加入

So find the child. Find the child and we'll all be free.

找到那个孩子 找到了我们就自由了

The job ain't that glamorous.


I mean, I spend most days making coffee, unjinxing the john. Tina's the career girl.

整天冲泡咖啡 用用读心术 蒂娜才是职业女性

Nah. We're orphans.Ma and Pa died of dragon pox when we were kids.

不 我们是孤儿 父母在我们小时候得龙痘过世了

You're sweet. But we got each other!

你真贴心 我们俩相依为命也很好

Could you stop reading my mind for a second?Don't get me wrong, I love it.

你能别一直对我用读心术吗 别误会 我很喜欢

This meal, it's insanely good! This is what I do, I'm a cook.

这顿晚餐实在美味无比 我也是厨师

And this is, like, the greatest meal I have ever had in my life.


Oh, you slay me! I ain't never really talked to a NoMaj before.Really?

你真迷人 我还是第一次认真和麻鸡聊天呢 真的吗
