《神奇动物在哪里》精讲 24(在线收听

See, he has some attachment issues. Now, come on, Pickett.

他有些粘人 去吧 皮克特

Pickett. No, they're not going to bully you. Now, come on.

皮克特 他们不会欺负你的 回去吧



All right. But that is exactly why they accuse me of favoritism.

好吧 也难怪他们说我偏心了

I wonder where Dougal's gone.


All right, I'm coming, I'm coming, Mum's here. Mum's here.

我来了 我来了 妈妈来了

Hello, you, let me take a look at you. I know these guys.

让我瞧瞧 我见过这些小家伙

Your Occamy. You mean my Occamy?

你的鸟蛇 你说我的鸟蛇

Yes, do you want to... Yeah, sure. Okay.

是的 你想不想 好啊 当然好

Hey. No, sorry, don't pet them.

你好 抱歉 不要摸

They learn to defend themselves early.


See, their shells are made of silver so they're incredibly valuable.

因为蛋壳是银的 非常值钱

Okay. Their nests tend to get ransacked by hunters.

是吗 他们的巢总是惨遭猎杀洗劫

Thank you.


Mr. Scamander? Call me Newt.

斯卡曼德先生 叫我纽特吧

Newt, I don't think I'm dreaming.

纽特 我觉得我不是在做梦

What gave it away? I ain't got the brains to make this up.

怎么看出来的 我可没这想象力
