CNN美国有线新闻 TikTok限制未成年人使用时长不超1小时(在线收听

We're going to start today with what I call the scroll that squashes your goals, spending too much time on social media.


And one social media app TikTok is looking to put a lockdown on all you're looking around on their wildly popular platform.


On Wednesday, TikTok announced that users under 18 years of age will have their accounts locked after one hour of screen time on the app each day.


In order to continue, users are going to have to enter a password.


Now, the company and many experts believe that the feature could improve the digital wellbeing of users by requiring them to actively opt out of a screen time limit.


The new initiative will roll out in the coming weeks and it's one of the most aggressive moves yet by a social media company to prevent people from getting caught up in the seemingly endless scrolling that can be really consuming.


The move also comes after TikTok, and other social media platform has faced years of scrutiny of their impact on young users.


And TikTok specifically is facing mounting pressure from lawmakers, some of whom feel the platform should be banned altogether, due in part to online security concerns.


How much time do you spend scrolling each day?


We could all probably spend a little less time on social media, while apps like TikTok, Instagram and Snapchat can be really powerful tools to learn, motivate, inspire and connect us with people.


Most experts agree that too much screen time can have that effect, especially on young people.


More now from CNN chief medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta.


Everyone knows that screen time probably is a problem for them, whether you're a teenager or an adult.


We spent too much time on our phones.


And what's amazing is that, you know, look, these phones have not been around that long.


So, a lot of people now research and kind of look into how much time are we spending on phones and what can we do about it?


Interesting, one piece of data that jumped out at me, the average person will pick up their phone to look at it, just look at it 300-sometimes a day.


So, you're just constantly doing this, and breaking that cycle, that initial cycle of look.


I don't even know why I'm picking up my phone.


I'm just doing it, I think, was a really important thing that came up over and over again.


So, Catherine Price who wrote up a book how to break up with your phone, she says ask these three questions every time you pick up your phone.


What for? Why now? And what else? What else could I be doing instead?

拿起手机做什么? 为什么是现在? 还有什么要做的? 我还能做些什么呢?

It's just to sort to bring your brain back online for a second so you're not mindlessly starting to look up your phone.


I thought that was really interesting, something I've been doing already in my life.

