华盛顿邮报 特朗普“回归”--正式宣布再次竞选总统(2)(在线收听


    I mean, that sounds like a really lively atmosphere. And what about other people from the party? Party insiders?

    听起来活动办得很热闹。那派对上的其他人呢? 党内人士呢?

    Were there people who were asking Trump not to do this announcement so close to kind of a midterm, not necessarily loss, but a poor performance?

    有没有人要求特朗普不要在接近中期选举的时候发表这个声明, 因为共和党中期选举表现未必失败,但确实是表现不佳?

    Can you tell me more about how people inside the party are feeling about this?


    Well, this has been really going on all year where a lot of Republican advisers and leaders were trying to get Trump to not announce before the midterms.


    He was interested in doing it over the summer, even before the votes were cast.


    And then he came very close to actually announcing the night before at a rally in Ohio and ended up just announcing that he would be announcing, getting closer and closer to that line because he was eager.


    He wanted to be able to take credit for a great Republican performance that a lot of Republicans were expecting in the midterm.


    And his advisers were were warning him, you know, "You don't want your coverage to get swallowed up by the election news."他的顾问警告他,“你不希望你的报道被选举新闻淹没。”

    And also they were concerned about him motivating Democrats.


    And so then when the red wave didn't materialize, and in particular, a lot of the candidates who Trump endorsed who won their primaries because of Trump's backing really underperformed the other Republicans on the ballot,当红色浪潮(共和党大胜民主党)没有出现的时候,特别是,当很多特朗普支持的候选人因为特朗普的支持而赢得了初选,但他们在选票上的表现却远远落后于其他共和党人时,there's been a lot more open blame and criticism pointed in Trump's direction than you've been hearing from elected sitting Republicans on the record in public than you've seen in a long time.


    And there was an interesting split screen last night between while Trump was having this event at Mar-a-Lago, the Republican Governors Association was meeting in Orlando,昨晚的两幕非常有意思,特朗普在海湖庄园举办活动,而共和党州长协会在奥兰多开会,and you were hearing a lot of comments from former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, from current New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu, Larry Hogan talking about how Trump was not working for the party and they needed to move on.


    And in some ways, some of those remarks were not that notable, particularly from people like Hogan, who have been outspoken against Trump before.


    But what was more surprising was the reception that they were getting in the room, meaning a lot of cheers and applause for that sentiment.

    但更令人惊讶的是, 他们在这个房间里受到的接待意味着他们的观点得到了很多欢呼和掌声。
