华盛顿邮报 美绝密文件泄漏令高层恐慌 (1)(在线收听


    Okay. So, you saw these documents. What was your reaction, and -- and what did they actually look like?


    I was astounded to -- to see these documents, I'm like, "Oh, my God. Like, I've used Discord to play 'Call of Duty,' and now I'm looking at, like, these classified documents that were just discussed in this open forum."看到这些文件,我深感震惊,就好比,“哦,我的天哪。我用Discord玩《使命召唤》,现在我却发现在这些公开论坛上讨论的机密文件。”

    Alex Horton is a national-security reporter for The Post.


    Over the last week, Alex has been looking closely at this trove of documents that contain secrets from the top tiers of the U.S. government.


    Think classified intelligence briefings, spy strategies, sensitive information about how Ukraine is doing in the war against Russia.


    And it all took officials by surprise when they first appeared on a Discord server -- this chat platform typically used by gamers.


    So, I think the reaction was, "Wow. This is substantial." And then it was, "Why do these documents look so strange?"我想大家的反应是,“哇。文件数量巨大。” 然后才是“为什么这些文件看起来这么奇怪?”

    These are just printout of PowerPoints that you might do after, like, your college chemistry class, and they're, like, folded haphazardly. They're crinkled.


    There's a coffee table in the background.


    So obviously someone held them in their hands, took their phone, and just started snapping these images that are sort of askew.


    It was just one of those yeah, we're in -- we're in very much a postmodern society where the highest, closely guarded secrets of the U.S. government are floating around a server popular for -- for gamers.


    Today, we're talking with Alex about this mysterious leak, where it came from, and how these intelligence secrets contradict the United States government's narrative about the war in Ukraine.


    So, Alex, what is in the leaked documents?


    There's a lot. I took some notes because I had to -- I was bound to forget something when I -- when I walked in here.


    One of the more interesting things that, again, that we had indications of already, was the level of penetration of U.S. intelligence into Russian preparations for the war -- the war in Ukraine.


    Some of the documents talk about preparations that Russia is making for specific attacks, not just the time, but the place, and how they will attack, what munitions they'll use, which shows that they are either getting it from human sources or they're intercepting communications that are discussing preparations for an attack.

