华盛顿邮报 图帕克谋杀案时隔近三十年又有新进展(2)(在线收听


    Art School, right?


    Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, by the time he makes it, he's in the Bay Area, famously sort of represents Oakland.


    I mean, he would go on BET and MTV and give interviews, and, you know, as he strolled along a beach.


    He'd talk about dropping out of high school...


    ...find a way to make a living, so I dropped out knowing that I would have graduated. It wasn't no big thing.


    ...his mother's substance abuse.


    It was hard. It was hard, because, you know, she was my hero. Everything was just going bad for her. It's harder for a woman to raise a family than it is for a man.


    Tupac was always working, making connections, trying to break into hip-hop.


    I used to rap everywhere. I was one of those people, man. I put my tape in the tape deck. I interrupt talks, conversations and just start rapping.


    We first hear from him in a Digital Underground song. Everybody's like, "Who's that?" And then it wasn't long after that where he is acting.

    我们第一次听到他的声音是在Digital Underground乐队的一首歌中。每个人都在问:“那是谁?”, 之后没多久他就开始演戏了。

    You know, it's "Juice." It's "Poetic Justice." It's "Gang Related." It's "Above the Rim."他出演了《Juice》、《Poetic Justice》、《Gang Related》与《Above the Rim》。

    You know, he didn't like to be boxed in and he really set a blueprint, I think, for a lot of artists, especially emcees in the '90s and beyond, to be more than just the person that stands in front of the microphone.


    I try to go outside the boundaries. Sometimes, it's effective and it's positive. Sometimes, it's negative and it blows up in my face.


    He'd also surprise people, who saw his so-called thug-life image, when he'd speak up about rap as a genre.


    Even in our history, from ancient African civilization, poets went from village to village, and that's how stories and messages and lessons were taught.


    You know, being the race that we are, being the strong race that we are, we picked it up, we picked up those positive vibes and started rapping.


    He just seemed like he was multidimensional, and he saw himself as a spokesperson for young black males in tough situations.


    I'm just trying to show who I am, that the people locked up on one part of me, that they really do not understand.


    So now I'm trying to do two things -- one, help them understand the part of me that they didn't understand, and two is to show that, you know, this is the type of things that young black males can do.


    We can do anything if you just give us a shot, stop trying to beat us down.


    Tupac, your life has been marred by considerable pain.


    Do you think you'll ever get to the point where you can live a normal, happy life?


    No. But I'm going for it. I'm trying for it.

