the die is cast(在线收听

the die is cast是木已成舟、大局以定的意思。据牛津词典记载,“the die is cast”,这一成语是指骰子巳经掷出,犹如覆水难收一般。 这一成语在1592年上演的莎士比亚著名历史剧<<查理三世>> 中就以不同的形式出现过: “I have set my life upon the cast, and I will stand the hazard of the die. ” (我巳经把我这条命打过赌,我宁可孤注一掷,决个胜负。朱生豪译)

At all events, what use was there in delaying? the die is cast(thrown) and now or tomorrow the issue must be the same.

