音乐咖啡厅:Communication 醇厚交流(在线收听


Communication-The Cardigans
  For twenty seven years I’ve been trying
  To believe and confide in
  Different people I found...
  Some of them got closer than others,
  And some wouldn’t even bother,
  And then you came around.
  I didn’t really know what to call you,
  You didn’t know me at all,
  But I was happy to explain.
  I never really knew how I’d move you,
  So I tried to intrude through
  The little holes in your veins.
  And I saw you.
  But that’s not an invitation,
  That’s all I get,
  If this is communication,
  I disconnect...
  I’ve seen you, I know you,
  But I don’t know how to connect,
  So I disconnect...
  You always seem to know where to find me,
  And I’m still here behind you,
  In the corner of your eye.
  I never really learnt how to love you,
  But I know that I love you,
  Through the hole in the sky,
  Where I see you
  And that’s not an invitation,
  That’s all I get.
  If this is communication,
  I disconnect...
  I’ve seen you, I know you,
  But I don’t know how to connect,
  So I disconnect...
  Well, this is an invitation,
  It’s not a threat,
  If you want communication,
  That’s what you get.
  I’m talking and talking,
  But I don’t know how to connect.
  And I hold... a record for being patient
  With your kind of hesitation.
  I need you, you want me,
  But I don’t know how to connect,
  So I disconnect,
  I disconnect...



The Cardigans/羊毛衫合唱团,来自瑞典,成立于’92年底与其他乐队不同的是,他们的音乐取材于Pop,拉丁,爵士和摇滚。女主唱Nina Persson嗓音清新甜美,将歌曲演绎得婉转动人,俏皮可爱。那种细巧的小女人情怀,虽然并不是令人非常的受落,但单凭听觉享受,仍然十分悦耳趣致。也许大家对他们并不是很熟悉,但脍炙人口的‘罗密欧+茱丽叶’电影主题曲的“Love fool”你们一定还记得吧,这首单曲不仅获得英美点播冠军、英国金榜亚军,还让The Cardigans步入一流乐队行列

瑞典这个国家为世界贡献了杰出的舞曲乐队ABBA和Ace Of Base,为世界贡献了杰出的pop乐队Roxette,如今又为世界贡献了一支杰出的另类乐队The Cardigans(有趣的是他们都是男女混合的、以女子为主唱的乐队)。

