
  232. A vocation for the vigorous 充满活力者的职业 vigor-vocational
  The vigor and vitality that one must possess to be a doctor is amazing. Perhaps many have the vision, but only the truly vigorous can handle such a vocation. Virtuosity is a must. So is patience. You spend many years studying. Some of the topics are quite mundane, such as the ancient vitalists. Modern vitalism is, of course, much more important and exciting. I still have vivid memories of my vocational pitfalls and accomplishments. I remember working in the emergency room during third year rotations. The ER can be a strange place, at times violent, at all times filled with virtually every section and class of society. On one foggy night when visibility was low, violence broke out in the ER. A certain person wandered in and began asking the secretary about a patient’s private information. As this violates the patient’s privacy, the secretary would not answer his questions. He became a bit too vivacious and began scaring the secretary. I have certain standards of virtue that I follow. Included in those standards is peaceful mutual respect. But this guy was a bit too loud and disruptive and appeared a little too dangerous. I was also very tired that night. So, I hit him on the head really hard with a bottle and knocked him out. I, of course, checked his vital signs to make sure he was okay. Some people thought my act cruel and unwarranted, but later I was nicely vindicated. The guy was suffering from a rare viral infection. He didn’t know about if and neither did anyone else at the time. He caught it from coming into contact with a rare species of vine while on a hiking trip searching for beautiful vistas. This virus was also highly communicable. The only known cure was to pump a high viscosity liquid, a special medicine, into his veins. Such viscous material does not always work, but in his case, it did.
  I have many crazy stories along those lines to tell, but I’ll leave you with just one.
  vigor n.精力,活力
  vigorous adj.健壮的,精力旺盛的,有力的
  vindicate v.证明…正确,证明…无辜
  vine n.葡萄藤,蔓
  violate vt.违犯,违背,侵犯
  violence n. 暴力,强暴
  violent adj.暴力引起的,暴烈的,激烈的,强烈的
  viral adj.病毒的
  virus n.病毒
  virtually adv事实上,实质上
  virtue n.美德
  virtuosity n.艺术鉴别力,精湛的技术
  viscosity n.黏度,黏性
  viscous adj.黏滞的,黏性的
  visibility n.可见度
  vision n 视觉,幻象
  vista n.景色
  vital adj.极重要的,致命的,生命的
  vitalism n.活办论,生机说
  vitalist n.活力论者
  vitality n.活力,生命力
  vivacious adj.活泼的,快活的
  vivid adj.(光线、色彩)鲜艳的,强烈的,生动的,逼真的
  vocation n.职业
  vocational adj.职业的
