通知书 业务清算(在线收听

通知书 业务清算

After the liquidation of the affairs of ..., the business will be carried on under the style of ... ... 公司业务经清算后, 将以... 名义进行营业。

同函附上B.公司的清算通告, 并通知我将以J.公司的名义继续营业让。特此通告。
Referring to the annexed circular as to the liquidation of the firm of B. & Co., I have now to inform you that I shall in future carry on the business under the style of J. & Co.

After the liquidation of the affairs of P.W. has been finished, the business will be carried on under the style of P.L. P.W.公司在清算终结后将以P.L.公司名义营业。

C.先生被指定为清算人, 他负责偿付前公司一切债务, 前公司应收款项请照付给他。
Mr. C., who has been appointed liquidator of the late firm will discharge all liabilities, and all accounts due to the late firm must be paid to him.


我公司T.先生, 经医生忠告, 宜去气候温和地带疗养以期延年益寿, 因此决定退出本公司, 特此奉告。
We have the honour to inform you of the retirement from this firm of Mr. T. He is retiring solely on account of serious advice from his physician, who recommends him a warmer climate if his life is to be preserved.

由于我年事已高, 不得不退出本公司业务, 决定在故里安度晚年, 遗憾之处,诸希鉴原, 特此通告。
It is not without regret that I write to inform you of my retirement from business, but as I am now getting on in years, I have decided to spend at least part of the autumn of my life in the quiet of my native place.

本人年迈, 诸事力不从心, 为健康原因, 非常遗憾地退出具体工作, 特此告知。
It is with regret that I have to inform you that as the imfirmity of age compelling me to take special care of my health, I have decided to retire from business

我们决定退出业务, 有关我公司一切业务, 均转由本公司负责。
We have to inform you that we have retired from business, and that we have transferred every thing connected with our firm to Messrs. Y. & Co.

