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  • 乔布斯传 第569期:波诺(2) 搜索 复制 Any other CEO would have jumped into a mosh pit to have U2 in an ad, but Jobs pushed back a bit. 要是换成其他的CEO,都会在广告里尽可能多地展示U2乐队,但是乔布斯对此持保留态度。 Apple didn't feature r
  • 乔布斯传 第570期:波诺(3) 搜索 复制 The commercial interspersed high-voltage shots of the band in partial silhouette 广告片的设计是U2乐队成员各自的近景镜头配合部分剪影, with the usual silhouette of a dancing woman listening to an iPod. 同时也有
  • 乔布斯传 第571期:波诺(4) 搜索 复制 Vincent asked what more Apple could do to make it work. 文森特又问,苹果还需要做些什么才能达成这次合作。 We are giving you the most important thing we have to give, and that's our music, said Bono. 波诺说:我们
  • 乔布斯传 第572期:波诺(5) 搜索 复制 The next day, as Ive headed toward Dublin, Vincent had to fend off Jobs, who was still having second thoughts. 第二天,就在艾弗飞往都柏林的途中,文森特马上去做乔布斯的工作,希望他转变心意。 I don't
  • 乔布斯传 第573期:波诺(6) 搜索 复制 Jobs rented a theater in San Jose for the unveiling of the TV commercial and special iPod. 乔布斯在圣何塞租下了一座古典剧场,作为发布iPod电视广告和iPod特别版的场地。 Bono and The Edge joined him onstage.
  • 乔布斯传 第574期:波诺(7) 搜索 复制 Bono got Jobs to do another deal with him in 2006, 2006年,波诺和乔布斯又谈了一笔生意。 this one for his Product Red campaign that raised money and awareness to fight AIDS in Africa. 这次是请苹果参与到波诺的红
  • 乔布斯传 第575期:波诺(8) 搜索 复制 Steve can be sparky, Bono recalled, but those moments have made us closer friends, 波诺回忆道:乔布斯有时很火暴。但是那些时刻也让我们成为更亲密的朋友, because there are not many people in your life whe
  • 乔布斯传 第576期:马友友 搜索 复制 Yo-Yo Ma 马友友 There was one classical musician Jobs revered both as a person and as a performer: 有一位古典音乐家,乔布斯既尊敬他的为人,又欣赏他的艺术造诣, Yo-Yo Ma, the versatile virtuoso who is as
  • 乔布斯传 第577期:《虫虫危机》(1) 搜索 复制 A Bug's Life 《虫虫危机》 When Apple developed the iMac, Jobs drove with Jony Ive to show it to the folks at Pixar. 在苹果开发出了iMac之后,乔布斯和乔尼艾弗开车去了皮克斯,把iMac展示给那儿的伙伴们
  • 乔布斯传 第578期:《虫虫危机》(2) 搜索 复制 Jobs's main role at Pixar was deal making, in which his natural intensity was an asset. 在皮克斯,乔布斯的主要任务是谈生意,他与生俱来的强硬态度绝对是个优势。 Soon after the release of Toy Story, he cl
  • 乔布斯传 第579期:《虫虫危机》(3) 搜索 复制 Actually, not. The real story is a bit more interesting. 其实这并不是事实。真实的情况更加有趣。 Katzenberg never heard the Bug's Life pitch while at Disney. 卡曾伯格在迪士尼时,从来没有听过关于《虫虫
  • 乔布斯传 第580期:《虫虫危机》(4) 搜索 复制 Lasseter began to get worried when, in early 1996, 1996年初,拉塞特开始担心了。 he heard rumors that DreamWorks might be making its own computer-animated movie about ants. 他听到一些传言说梦工厂正在制作一部关
  • 乔布斯传 第581期:《虫虫危机》(5) 搜索 复制 Jobs was furious, and he was far more practiced than Lasseter at giving vent to his emotions. 乔布斯怒不可遏,在发泄情绪这方面,他显然比拉塞特更放得开。 He called Katzenberg and started yelling. 他打通了卡
  • 乔布斯传 第582期:《虫虫危机》(6) 搜索 复制 Katzenberg had a valid gripe. 卡曾伯格的抱怨是有理由的。 It was clear that Eisner and Disney were using the Pixar movie to get back at him for leaving Disney and starting a rival animation studio. 显然,艾斯纳和迪士尼
  • 乔布斯传 第583期:《虫虫危机》(7) 搜索 复制 A Bug's Life came out six weeks later, as planned. 按照计划,《虫虫危机》将于6周后上映。 It had a more epic plot, which reversed Aesop's tale of The Ant and the Grasshopper, 这部动画电影更具史诗情节,灵感来