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  • 乔布斯传 第674期:孟菲斯(7) Jobs's relationship with Lisa Brennan-Jobs, his daughter with Chrisann, had frayed. 乔布斯跟丽萨布伦南-乔布斯(即他跟第一个女朋友克里斯安的女儿)关系早已变得很紧张。 She had graduated from Harvard, moved to New
  • 乔布斯传 第675期:孟菲斯(8) Jobs's mood buoyed when he was able to have visitors from Apple. 每当有苹果的同事来探望他,乔布斯就情绪高涨。 Tim Cook came down regularly and filled him in on the progress of new products. 蒂姆库克会经常过来向他汇报新
  • 乔布斯传 第676期:归来(1) Return 归来 At the end of May 2009 Jobs flew back from Memphis on his jet with his wife and sister. 2009年5月底,乔布斯与妻子和妹妹乘私人飞机从孟菲斯归来。 They were met at the San Jose airfield by Tim Cook and Jony Ive, wh
  • 乔布斯传 第677期:归来(2) On one conference call with analysts shortly after Jobs went on leave, 乔布斯病休后不久,在一次跟分析员的电话会议上, Cook departed from his unemotional style to give a rousing declaration of why Apple would continue to soar ev
  • 乔布斯传 第678期:归来(3) It sounded like something Jobs would say (and had said), but the press dubbed it the Cook doctrine. 这听起来像是乔布斯会说的(和已经说过的),但是媒体把它命名为库克教义。 Jobs was rankled and deeply depressed, espec
  • 乔布斯传 第679期:归来(4) Friends noted that Jobs had retained his feistiness. 朋友们注意到乔布斯保留了他易怒的特点。 During his recuperation he signed up for Comcast's high-definition cable service, and one day he called Brian Roberts, who ran the company.
  • 乔布斯传 第680期:你说你想要一场革命(1) You Say You Want a Revolution 你说你想要一场革命 Back in 2002, Jobs had been annoyed by the Microsoft engineer who kept proselytizing about the tablet computer software he had developed, 2002年,微软一位工程师把乔布斯惹毛了,他
  • 乔布斯传 第681期:你说你想要一场革命(2) The tablet project got a boost in 2007 when Jobs was considering ideas for a low-cost netbook computer. 2007年,乔布斯在考虑低成本上网本计划时,意外推动了平板电脑项目。 At an executive team brainstorming session one Mond
  • 乔布斯传 第682期:你说你想要一场革命(3) If you had been paying attention to patent filings, 关注专利申请的人应该会注意到, you would have noticed the one numbered D504889 that Apple applied for in March 2004 and was issued fourteen months later. 2004年3月,苹果公司申请
  • 乔布斯传 第683期:你说你想要一场革命(4) In fact he went to the other extreme. Apple licensed the ARM architecture, 事实上,他走向了另一个极端。苹果公司在获得ARM构架授权的同时, but it also bought a 150-person microprocessor design firm in Palo Alto, called P.A.
  • 乔布斯传 第684期:2010年1月,iPad发布(1) The Launch, January 2010 2010年1月,iPad发布 The usual excitement that Jobs was able to gin up for a product launch paled in comparison to the frenzy that built for the iPad unveiling on January 27, 2010, in San Francisco. 2010年1月27日,iPa
  • 乔布斯传 第685期:2010年1月,iPad发布(2) To underscore the casual nature of the iPad, Jobs ambled over to a comfortable leather chair and side table 为了强调iPad的亲和性,乔布斯从容地走到一把舒适的皮革椅子和一张边桌前,拿起了一台iPad, (actually, given
  • 乔布斯传 第686期:2010年1月,iPad发布(3) There was also the requisite dismissal from Bill Gates. 比尔盖茨也少不了冷嘲热讽一番。 I still think that some mixture of voice, the pen and a real keyboard -- in other words a netbook -- will be the mainstream, he told Brent Schlender
  • 乔布斯传 第687期:2010年1月,iPad发布(4) The public carping subsided when the iPad went on sale in April and people got their hands on it. 4月,当iPad开始销售、人们亲手拿到它之后,公众的挑剔情绪开始消退。 Both Time and Newsweek put it on the cover. 《时代》杂
  • 乔布斯传 第688期:2010年1月,iPad发布(5) Most of the debate over the iPad centered on the issue of whether its closed end-to-end integration was brilliant or doomed. 关于iPad的大部分争论,都着眼于其封闭的端到端一体化系统是卓越的还是注定失败的。 Google wa