英语灵异故事-Don't listen (切勿聆听) 01(在线收听

My favorite pastime is swinging on a swing. Preferably at night when no one can see or find me, being my only means of escape from the tortures of a large family. (Some people climb onto the roof when they need to be alone, I swing.) My swing set is in the backyard of our old house underneath a huge tree that I climb during the day. The yard is covered in bushes, fruit trees, and horse pastures. It's a very beautiful little place with light, but at night it's very quiet and rather morbid with its antique design. (My house was built in the early 1900s). So all in all, I have a dark and sinister looking house on my right, a horse pasture with a looming tree on my left, and an enormous pine tree that grows higher than any house on the street with a failing street lamp glowing between it's drooping branches. Our yard is a labyrinth!

